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2024-05-23 16:11
The results of the peer review conducted on the operation of the Hungarian National Contact Point are now officially available
The peer review on the operation of the OECD Hungarian National Contact Point (HNCP) took place in Budapest in October 2023, jointly organized by the OECD Secretariat and the Ministry of Finance.

2023-10-10 08:39
CSR Hungary Summit Conference, Good brand, sustainable brand: OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct
The CSR Hungary Summit Conference was organized this May again, with the motto of „The good brand is the sustainable brand” by the CSR Hungary. Ms. Gabriella Tölgyes, CSR expert was the presenter on the side of the Ministry of Economic Development, who gave a comprehensive and detailed, but also very understandable presentation about the history of the OECD, the structure and the proper application of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (hereinafter: Guidelines) as well as about the main changes of Guidelines from the recent past and the actual problems and questions of the topic.
Current event

Responsible business conduct from the perspective of the OECD and the work of the OECD on taxation (Pillars I-II., with particular regard to the global minimum tax)
In May, Mr. László Balogh (Deputy State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance, also the chairman of the Hungarian National Contact Point) held a presentation about the “Responsible Business Conduct from the OECD’s point of view” at the Business Breakfast which was organized by the CSR Hungary. The presentation included many topics, just as the actions of the OECD, the role of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (hereinafter: Guidelines), the OECD Pillar One and Pillar Two, and lastly the targets and the criteria system of the ESG.
Welcome to the NCP site!
The Hungarian National Contact Point is the responsible body for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in Hungary.
The role of National Contact Points is to promote the implementation of the Guidelines according to the core criteria of visibility, accessibility, transparency and accountability, in line with the functional equivalence of NCPs. As a non-judicial grievance mechanism, NCPs have supported access to remedy on a global scale by providing a platform for mediation and conciliation for the parties involved in specific instances.

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